Thursday, September 26, 2024
8:00a - 12:30p Exhibitor Registration and Exhibitor Setup
9:00 - 10:30a GAMES Board Meeting
1:00 - 2:00p Registration | Meet our Exhibitors
Check in, grab your name badge, and make your way around the exhibit hall!
2:00p President's Welcome
Jeremy Killough, MRS Homecare
2:15 - 3:15p Payer Relations
Laura Williard, AAHomecare
3:15 - 3:45p Afternoon Break in Exhibit Hall
3:45 - 4:40p Marketing Your Business in Today’s Digital Age
Mandi Rodgers, VGM & Associates
Marketing is not immune to changes of technology or current trends driving the industry. This means that do marketing well, especially in today's digital age, you need to have clear goals and a plan to achieve those goals. This session will provide insights on current digital trends and give guidance on how to build an impactful marketing plan.
4:45 - 5:40p Removing the Smoke & Mirrors from “AI”
Trey Holterman, Tennr
In this session, Trey Holterman, CEO and co-founder of healthcare automation platform Tennr (and graduate of Stanford’s AI Lab) will discuss what “AI” truly is, and what it is not. You’ll come away from this masterclass with an understanding of the best use cases for machine learning models and will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
In this talk, you’ll learn:
5:40 - 7:00p Reception in Exhibit Hall
7:00p Exhibitor Packup
7:00p Explore Atlanta!
Friday, September 27, 2024
Breakfast Served and Hosted by The Holiday Inn Express Prior to Opening Session
8:30 - 9:15a February Doesn't Have to be a Terrible Collection Month (Part 1)
9:20 - 10:05a February Doesn't Have to be a Terrible Collection Month (Part 2)
Andrea Stark, MiraVista
Deductibles and insurance changes make February a dreadful collection month for many DME suppliers. It doesn’t have to be that way. DME suppliers can take advantage of the open enrollment period between October and early December to reduce lost or delayed collections in the new year related to patients changing their coverage to, from, and between Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans. At the same time, suppliers can engage patient protocols to ease the reality of higher deductible volume.
In this session, Andrea helps attendees:
10:05 - 10:20a Morning Stretch and Refresh Break
10:20 - 11:15a More Contractors, more problems? The current state of affairs in DMEPOS Supplier Enrollment
Kelly Grahovac, The van Halem Group
In recent years, DMEPOS Suppliers have gone from one contractor, the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC), managing all supplier enrollment functions to now learning how to navigate FIVE! While CMS may have intended this division of power as a way to streamline the enrollment process, it seems that the reality is the opposite. In this session, Kelly will explain who each of these contractors are and what role each plays within the supplier enrollment world. She will discuss the importance of meeting supplier standards, maintaining appropriate accreditation guidelines, and understanding licensure requirements, as well as addressing common pitfalls that a supplier may encounter, and how to fix them.
11:20a – 12:15p Peachtree
Government Relations: Advocacy in Action from our Lobbyist
12:15 – 1:15p Lunch | State of
the Association | Platinum Member Appreciation
1:15 - 2:15p Audit Climate: What You Need to Know
Wayne van Halem, The van Halem Group
Things are heating up when it comes to audits, including in Managed Care. This presentation will provide a solid foundation of what you need to know as far as audits are concerned. We will provide an overview of what oversight entities and payers are currently focused on as well as a look into what we might expect in the second half of the year. Knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your business from audit recoupments and denials.
2:15p Raffle Winners Announced | Adjourn